Monday, February 14, 2011

Playmobil Castle Instructions


thoroughly revised both myspace messages as PDF to which we refer to the statement, and this is what have we learned definitively:

completely new members entering the GPSC FC -> access to existing FC and exclusive sites of FCs through the global site and the services of FCs
~ First year - 10000 yen
~ From the second year - 8000 yen automatic payment, otherwise, 10000 yen.

■ New members and members to renew their membership HERESY FC before April 1 -> not be renewed after six months, nor will the re-entry into the FC.

Privileges HERESY new members will receive the card
HERESY with ID, the FC welcome gift and a gift for the 6-month membership.
~ Income for six months: 5500 yen.
~ Renewal for six months: 5000 yen.
The GPSC privileges FC are not included in the membership of HERESY.

■ Members to renew their membership HERESY of FC after April 1 -> If your membership expires after 1 April and not get into the GPSC FC, you can not renew.
These members can still enter the home page of HERESY until the membership expires, at which must enter the GPSC FC to continue to enjoy the privileges of Heresy.
Price: same prices as new members of GPSC FC.
The GPSC privileges FC are not included in the membership of HERESY. _______________
All members of HERESY and FC GPSC can enter the HP HERESY and buy tickets for concerts.
The Garish Room will still be free for those members of HERESY the current membership, once it enters the GPSC FC only be acquired by purchase.

credits: / theGazettE_Esp


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