Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Housewarming Party Invitation Wording

[scans] Neo Genesis Vol 52

credits : rhyme-in.livejournal.com + community.livejournal.com / gazette_daily

Is Osk Japanese Green Tea : Caffeine Free

Well we finally GALA beneficial than SGI, for management of Pepe Carmen had assembled at the Hotel Santa Maria, not that it was a great economic success to help the family of Marta but we can protest and perhaps for lack of experience the first session was on Public cortita compared with the second pass that was completely full.
The audience wonderful and I personally enjoyed the lot as it maintained a dialogue with them directly and was developing what I like ... speak and present and at times I was laughing at the nonsense that I tell myself , and the audience was wonderful and I admit it all went really well by the end of the gala round of applause that gave the Wizards. Fernando
Classic Magic develops well-dressed on stage, which combines elegant fine with her magic, but eye Fernando, microphones can not fail, because it falls the attention and care is lost to the game. Jaime Peinado
makes a game with a bird who reads a letter, but leaves the stage to load the bird this is a defect widely used in the Magi and I think you lose the attention and cools the public.
Manolo de Jerez when he reached the SGI had no idea but now I see it as progressing quickly, but you have to create your own numbers and develop your personality and do not limit yourself games entering the numbers and watch other magicians with electronics that one day you have to take to the hospital. Pepe
Carmen has developed his humor and magic with a number of CLOWN, I want to give you a municipality seeking anything that might be of three people worldwide Charlot, Charles River, and Gaby Fofo Miliki and not get tired of seeing gestures Clowns This is essential and then you apply the Magic, for example, "The Egg Bag," this game at the end you have to break the egg into the viewer's head or your partner, is a clown that is final and your pretend to understand? generally very good.
Antonio, is a shame that the humor in the output that you do not follow exploiting over the number and you must speak loud and clear and the arrow key to the first, you have a very good mood to go out and you just applaud and laugh at the audience, a student a good script and sure to find your style and personality . Juan Luis de Jerez
I've seen so much I personally like his style and of course the assistant if you chose was a hit because it was ideal.
Luis as always your number Palomas better every day and are ten pigeons, but one day you get something that you do not like to forget that nothing happens. AN OUTSTANDING
aides, MUSIC, and REGIDOR SAME. The usher cool the flashlight, the Globe WONDERFUL impressive dragonfly. Forgive my criticism
but 60 years of magic you are entitled to an opinion but I tell you truly., not with the intention to find fault.
OK I will give NOTABLE note and maybe the illusion that you put, I forgot to Juan Escobar and I put this because I know that I am very buenoy very nice.
A hug. Juan

Monday, February 21, 2011

Memorial Candle For Wedding Wording

[scans] Shoxx Vol 217 - March 2011

credits: rhyme-in.livejournal.com + community.livejournal.com / gazette_daily

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pokemon Doujinshijessie


This game I've placed is the last game that Dani posted a few days ago when he appeared at home and left me to my study a few books. The game is undeniably a wonderful out of this world, face up and seeing the mess the viewer about mixing colors, I have followed this game in the hands of Dani from making A couple of years, I have seen the various changes it was experiencing the game until it reaches the current version is under automatic, but are games that can only make Dani for his mental agility and the number of changes and lots of letters .
I have it in my studio for the price of 25 € must be studied but no doubt be a wonderful quality game and leaving the audience totally enthralled.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Masterbate Cleanly

[news] the GazettE TOUR 10 - Tokyo Dome Live Report

The day after Christmas 2010 was a cool day, cold. It also marked the end of TOUR'10 GazettE, after an extensive tour throughout Japan 2 Parts. It would be a special night for the band and fans, as it would be staged for the first time at the Tokyo Dome, a big step in the right direction. Fans gathered early in the morning that day, anxiously awaiting the concert.

The whole room echoed with the voices of the fans gathered. The big place was buzzing with anticipation and were making final preparations. Although the room was completely full, there was still some air in the interior, but was about to change.

Fans erupted from the seats, the lights went out and through the roof of the Dome extended blue and purple tones. Only a raven appeared on the screen above the stage, with a clock ticking.
Applause erupted piano's music full of lights had changed to green lasers, creating a matrix similar to network across the stage. The lights turned around the dome, but suddenly changed to red, an appropriate color for the opening track, "RED".

Ruki with a red velvet dress that fit perfectly with the song, the place was awash with jumping red lights and fans into ecstasy.
He kept the pace, the next song was "Agony" and the crowd was jumping up and down, enough to shake the whole place. Halfway through the song Ruki shouted "COME ON TOKYO!" (We Tokyo), achieving a wild cry of the hearing response. Aoi back his feelings by blowing a kiss, while Reita jumped and turned.

"HYENA" was the next in line, broke a fireworks explosion in front of the stage to encourage the fans. The 5 screens enclose the stage - at the top and sides, showing each of the band members shaking their heads and jumping, especially during the chorus.

Gradually the silence and darkness filled the room, there was only smoke, a red light and the fans rushing. Ruki suddenly shouted: "Tokyo!" (While watching the big Dome) "I can not see them all!" He added: "Today is the end of the tour, promised that we would do here for this concert, with the world. So let's do it! okay? Go!"

As Ruki turned to the audience even more, Kai began to beat their drums with all his strength, from "赤い ワンピース / Akai One Piece (RED DRESS)." Ruki
cut the MC, which had affected members of the band, so Aoi began to run down the right side of the stage while Uruha left. Reita playing his bass in the center next to Ruki, before committing to one side. The members seemed to relax a little more, smiling and laughing for the obvious emotion as the fans cheered.

"Will you dance, Tokyo!? Yeah!" (Will you dance, Tokyo? Yes!) Ruki shouted "Psychedelic Heroine" was the following, remained with the high pace since the beginning of the concert. Aoi and Uruha took turns on the pedestal in the center stage for the parties alone, and Kai furiously beat his drums while singing the chorus all the time rhythmically Reita playing bass. Aoi ended the track taking a few notes long, with Kai beating his drums for a grand finale.

Once again, the stage is darkened, the Dome was bathed in a deep red light. Next was an issue new "SHIVER", followed closely by a classic, "ガンジス に 紅い 薔薇 / or Akai Bara Ganges." To slow things finally, the latest single from the GazettE, released only 2 weeks before, "Pledge" was next. At first there was only shining on Ruki center, none of the other members visible, when the lights finally went up, it was as if the atmosphere around the building had changed. Everyone was serious, soft air them.

When the song ended, a sink drain appeared on the screen, the sound of drops of water echoing through the room now was silent. As usual the drain means "Bath Room". Ruki ended up singing on his knees in the center of the platform of the stage, before the place becomes dark.
Once again, the words appeared on the screen "From now on, reality" (From now on, the reality) could be interpreted as a cloudy sky was opened through the roof of the Dome, beginning "DIM SCENE" to cry Ruki powerful.
After dark, slow tones of "Pledge", "DIM SCENE" followed by a sharp contrast to lament bass guitars and powerful Reita and Kai strong drums. The song slowly faded and only heard the voice of Rukia, while singing the last lines before the scene becomes completely silent and dark.

The public had not had enough at this time and began calling relentlessly names of band members, encouraging them to start playing again. Ruki have a response once again asked if .. everyone was doing well, commenting on the TOKYO DOME is a big place. Kai looked very serious as he listened carefully Ruki's MC.
"We could do this in the Tokyo Dome today. We forgive?" (Ruki asked.) The crowds cheered in a way encouraging response. "So let's do it!" He shouted, pointing the beginning of "HEADACHEMAN."

The band and the audience continued relentlessly, shaking his head and jumping around "Vermin" and "Hesitating MEANS DEATH" who sent them to a mad frenzy. "Tokyo!" Are you serious!? Not likely, however, can do more! Let's do it! Tokyo! Tokyo! COME ON! " Ruki yelled "Cockroach" This blow seemed to revitalize both the band and fans. "DISCHARGE" was next and virtually all of the public shook her head at that time with the band, Ruki was on his knees, shaking his head violently, Reita pointed to encouraging everyone to head shake head more furiously than drums Kai sent vibrations in the interior of each person in the room. Aoi and Uruha played their guitars in their own way * FASHION *, Aoi Uruha bent back and sliding his hips back and forth. Ruki shouted "Let's do it!
Your Head!" Does not give anyone a chance to rest his head, the furious turmoil continues, the entire DOME shaken by the chaotic and frenzied fans.

The expected time "Last song!" but less expected word, echoed in the room "Filth in the Beauty", began running swiftly Aoi acoustic guitar and suddenly a ball of fire like a volcano erupting exploded along with several balls of fire lit the stage for a start "spectacular."
The band played what seemed to be "new energy" Aoi moved her hips and lifted his guitar in the air while running, Kai tapped as if trying to beat their drums, while Reita and Uruha Ruki came round and sang with incredible intensity. The choir has the whole DOME shaking and everyone jumping, singing and shaking his head in fury at a time, awesome, amazing views.

Suddenly it was over and Ruki shouted "Thanks Tokyo! Thanks! before to walk off stage. It was followed by Aoi, Reita and Uruha, Kai was the last to leave the stage, swinging his long hair in its path. (Assuming I would say) Song of the ENCORE
began almost immediately, with a group of fans in the front, then quickly spread all over the place.

As calls intensified for an encore, the lights began to blink and suddenly the stage lit up. Reita and Kai walking from opposite sides of the stage together in the center, and gives a brief hug. His clothing had become casual, Kai wearing a black vest and a shirt on top, along with black gloves and Reita with a black scarf covering his face and a black cardigan. Reita asked
"Tokyo Dome! Are we going to do?" before starting, as usual in the encores of the GazettE, with "Ride with the ROCKERS

Reita Kai playing together with his bass and screaming, had managed the public clap your hands and sing with him. Everyone started clapping, jumping and singing, obeying the instructions of Reita, Kai took the microphone before, "Uh ... first of all, I've always wanted to play here and we are very grateful to be here today. So today indeed GazettE is * fashion *, go! Vamos! Vamos! "Aoi and Uruha

enter the stage, Aoi wearing a shirt and a black suit jacket, while Uruha wearing a bright-elongated top and black cardigan on top. Reita and Kai set the pace and they all played together, Aoi, Reita and Uruha finally aligned, two side and one in the center. Ruki finally came on stage wearing a black top, black sweater and jeans, long broken, and prepares for "Nausea & Shudder "spinning around with the microphone stand (as usual).

As the song ended, Ruki shouted" Tokyo! Come on! "And" ON THE DEATH VALLEY SWALLOWTAIL "had the crowd jumping, dancing and waving their hands in the air. Reita run your bass to his style as Uruha dancing, and the energy of the whole world seemed to be completely replaced, the audience is still screaming for more.

As the song faded, the huge DOME fell silent, Ruki walked down the central walkway and made a speech very open and honest about how grateful he and the members were, in addition to all involved "to this day finally happen. " The members looked on with a straight face, occasionally smiling as Ruki changed to a tone unusually friendly.
"To be able to do stupid things together, in this, * this * Tokyo Dome ..... Thanks. It feels great well ".
His words of thanks were echoed by the Dome, touching the hearts of every person in that place.

" Let's do it! your head! your head! "he shouted suddenly, encouraging everyone to start shaking his head, started the song" RUDER. "Once again the members came to life with this fast-paced song, running happily around the stage, running Ruki left, Aoi and Uruha in places of low pass (ie, where it is difficult to walk), Reita in the center of the platform and Kai beating his drums with incredible power.

for "关 东 土 下座 组合 / Kantou Dogeza Kumiai "
members seemed even more free, more runs across the stage. Uruha Kai played in front as he laughed and smiled, (typical of Uruha). Aoi's solo had everyone waving their hands, while Ruki sprayed water into the front rows. Reita went to the platform in the center back along with Uruha and Aoi. All fans as much as the band members seemed more closely with this song, dancing along with endless energy.

"LAST!" Ruki shouted, pointing to a fan favorite, "LINDA ~ ~ candydive Pinkyheaven." The crowd went wild as the boys jumped, danced and shook his head, is what was to be the end of an incredible experience in the DOME. The members played with everything they had, Reita was pacing around the stage, Ruki spraying more water on the audience and suddenly, as if in a blink of an eye, he was saying:
"Thanks, really really, thanks. " walking off stage. Uruha blew kisses to the crowd that was screaming, Kai threw their sticks and ran off stage after Aoi and Reita.

The music began to fill the Dome, to signal the end of the event, but something was missing. In a minute, the members returned to the stage and played "枯 诗 / Kare Uta ". The stage was bathed in colors, the audience listened politely, occasionally you could hear the hoarse cry of the names of the members of the band after the song ended.
Ruki took
microphone again "The next song will be the last," he said, and got a huge sea of \u200b\u200b"No" to change (I explain a "no .." not wanting to live is completed). Once Ruki took a serious tone , describing the emotions of the band with respect to the performance at the Tokyo Dome and the journey that began as a band to get there. "We wanted to play at Tokyo Dome since we started as a band," Ruki said, because members bowed their heads. "This place, the Tokyo Dome, is the long awaited, an awesome place, I think. It has not been an easy road. We're in this place" very large ", and still do stupid things. Nothing changes."

Everyone was silent at the time that his words were heard in the Dome. The fans began shouting the names of the band members again before continuing.
"We will return here. And it will bigger and bigger. (Bigger the band, in order to fill the Dome, I think) There are more things we want to do and will not stop. Please continue to believe in us, because we I believe in you. Do not forget that. Thank you so today (for playing in the dome), from the bottom of my heart. "

" Last One! "Suddenly shouted, and streamers fluttered through the roof and the band began playing the final song of the night," 未成年 / Miseinen.
All members played with emotion, which allowed the audience to sing the verses of a familiar song.

Even when the song was finally finished, group members gathered in the center of the stage, each one filled with much emotion, bowing and saying "THANKS" again and again. The tone of the piano version of "PLEDGE" sounded in the background, the other members thanked the public, the staff with tears in her eyes, obviously overwhelmed by the moment. Finally, he asked everyone to hold hands and jump together final. Band members and the entire dome tokyo jumped like never before announced that it was the end, gave thanks and made their way off stage, Kai behind throwing sticks to the public in the end.

The Dome became dark again, but this is not the end, much more to come ...

1 Red
3 Hyena
Piece Red 4 / Akai One Piece (Red Dress)
5 Psychedelic Heroine
rose red in Ganges 7 / Ganges Ni Akai Bara
9 Bath Room
16 Filth in the Beauty

EN1 Ride with the ROCKERS
EN2 Nausea & Shudder
EN4 Ruder
EN5 Kantou Union beg / Kantou Dogeza Kumiai

candydive Pinkyheaven ENCORE 2
枯 诗
EN7 EN8 未成年 / Miseinen

* The words between () are explanations, sometimes it is good to explain!
* Thank you, no sound a bit irritating but this report I am filled with an indescribable feeling, is so beautiful.

credits: MJP + twitter.com / theGazettE_PY + www.thegazetteparaguay.blogspot.com

Games Of Strategy Dixit Solutions

few minutes ago I phoned to tell me that Juan Rafael Granado had died this morning at 9 o'clock, he died without suffering any since I've talked to his wife and informed me the comfort of your progress. With
cause of my illness last week I spoke with him and left a car custom methacrylate.
already be enjoying eternal life because it was a great person, with me teaching me behaved extraordinarily Knives, and I laughed a lot with him because he loved to eat and enjoy a good meal.
God hold you in His Holy Gloria Juan. A hug

Monday, February 14, 2011

Playmobil Castle Instructions


thoroughly revised both myspace messages as PDF to which we refer to the statement, and this is what have we learned definitively:

completely new members entering the GPSC FC -> access to existing FC and exclusive sites of FCs through the global site and the services of FCs
~ First year - 10000 yen
~ From the second year - 8000 yen automatic payment, otherwise, 10000 yen.

■ New members and members to renew their membership HERESY FC before April 1 -> not be renewed after six months, nor will the re-entry into the FC.

Privileges HERESY new members will receive the card
HERESY with ID, the FC welcome gift and a gift for the 6-month membership.
~ Income for six months: 5500 yen.
~ Renewal for six months: 5000 yen.
The GPSC privileges FC are not included in the membership of HERESY.

■ Members to renew their membership HERESY of FC after April 1 -> If your membership expires after 1 April and not get into the GPSC FC, you can not renew.
These members can still enter the home page of HERESY until the membership expires, at which must enter the GPSC FC to continue to enjoy the privileges of Heresy.
Price: same prices as new members of GPSC FC.
The GPSC privileges FC are not included in the membership of HERESY. _______________
All members of HERESY and FC GPSC can enter the HP HERESY and buy tickets for concerts.
The Garish Room will still be free for those members of HERESY the current membership, once it enters the GPSC FC only be acquired by purchase.

credits: twitter.com / theGazettE_Esp

Blister Spots On In Bum


Good evening, after 25 days I could sit on the computer to start my recovery on a bacterium that attacked me for no reason by a lack of defense to the left leg and today 25 days to so many antibiotics injected through a vein in the hospital, I could not lift a clear mind, but thank God it looks like I successfully recovered.
For this reason this paper is only to give thanks to the many friends who care enough to call and ask for me to M. Carmen (girl) when I was not able to get the phone, I can say the same to the post and forums 80% were magicians, and this gets me into the depths of my heart, I always told my best friends are the wizards but sometimes argue but I always keep my friendship with them.
Some called it a day every day and today I want to put a video I have of him so that you can see his magic and a Day just came to me for me to have fun seeing him do a couple of games, UNODA it when finished the game and ask what do you think John? I said very good but this game is called MAGIC printing, or something similar but is very good.
already got me back informing me of the magic and Pomponeros.
I want to welcome the world to
http://titobarrena.blogspot.com/ BLOG
cousin is a journalist who always liked his writing and often wrote articles about my magic.
Thank you all for your love and friendship shown me very special for you Juan Luis with phone calls a day to see how it was working. A hug

Juan Escobar