Monday, January 31, 2011

Allergic Reaction To Eyebrow Waxing

NEWS 9 º Encuentro Edge Theatre Workshop 2011 Registration

9th Meeting Edge Theatre
2, 3, 4 and 5 November 2011
Las Flores. Buenos Aires. Argentina

Image: Nahuel Patronelli
Theatre Group invites Edge casts, theatrical groups and cooperatives in Argentina and abroad, to present material to participate in the 9th. Edition of the Edge Theater, to be held on 2, 3, 4 and November 5, 2011 in Las Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
be selected:
· Shows shows for children and adults (including proposals being puppet theater, puppets, object theater, dance theater, etc.).
Workshops and conferences, to be provided to those attending the Meeting and / or the general public.
Entries must be adaptable to unconventional spaces (streets, plazas, multi-purpose rooms to schools, clubs, rural landscapes, etc.). and technical conditions (lights and sound) minimum.
hallmark of this event is the approach of different proposals theatrical public spaces and unconventional Partido de Las Flores, emphasizing educational institutions, with which, over the years have brought a rich exchange ratio and mutual dialogue, and every year look forward to meeting proposals. Also, sometimes, you get to rural communities, far from the city, with few inhabitants, and various urban neighborhoods.
Meeting is proposed to raise the theater as a pedagogical tool and to exchange and socialization, with particular emphasis on friendly service to visiting groups and providing opportunities for exchange.

Applicants must submit (covering all views):
- Registration form (attached) (can be digitized)
- digitized photos / the show / s proposal / s
- digital picture of the speakers or teachers (for workshops and presentations)
- Commitment Letter (attached) (printed and signed original)
- Film (for shows) on DVD
- A document stating copyright
- Rules (attached) signed by a representative of the Group.
- Background
Group - Resume of the actors, directors, etc.
- Material journalistic criticism (you can scan or reproduce, citing sources).
- Awards and group work
- Broadcast Material
- Other relevant data.
The Organization of the meeting will feature:
- Sound Amplification appropriate to each space and a basic lighting plan (see Regulation).
- Vales shuttle bus or train from Retiro and Constitución (Buenos Aires) to Las Flores (round trip).
- Accommodation and meals for the members of the Group in the days of the meeting.
- Certificate of participation Meeting.
- Artwork broadcast of the meeting.
- Free tickets to all activities included in the meeting.
- a cachet will be paid for attending the meeting.
The material should be sent to:
9th. Edge Theatre Meeting Mr Paula
Echalecu and Hernan Bernardo de Irigoyen 570.
(7200) Las Flores. Buenos Aires Province. Argentina.
Deadline for submission of material: May 31, 2011
More information:

9th Meeting Edge Theatre
2, 3, 4 and 5 November 2011
Las Flores. Buenos Aires. Argentina


Details / the participant / s:
a) Name of company, group or participant:
b) Place of origin:
c) Members (people who participate in the event )
Type and No. of Document:
role it plays in the group:
d) Full name of legal representative of the company or group (This person will be who will deal with the organization of the meeting to arrange details organization):
· Document ID:
· Address:
• Telephone:
• Telephone Mobile:
· Email:

Details / the show / s:
a) Name of work:
b) Director:
c ) Duration of work:
d) Name of Author:
e) Summary of the work (no more than 10 lines):
f) Report Ver entertainment (puppet shows, circus, theater, dance, etc) and public to Target:
g) Time of assembly and disassembly of scenery:

Details / The Workshop / s or Conference / s:
a) Name of proposal:
b) Coordinator:
c) Duration of the proposal:
d) Summary of proposal (no more than 10 lines):
e) Identify public to attend:
f) Preparation time
g) Other relevant data:

9th Meeting of
Edge Theatre 2, 3, 4 and 5 November 2011
Las Flores. Buenos Aires. Argentina

REGULATION 1. Be selected shows, talks and workshops to be presented during the 9th. Edge Theatre Meeting to be held on 2, 3, 4 and 5 November 2011, Las Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2. Proposals may be aimed at different audiences, as well as in the case of the shows, belong to any category of theater and dance theater.
3. The selection is communicated to the target groups well in advance.
4. Should send complete the required material in the Invitation and the Application Form and Commitment Letter with original signature and a copy of this Regulation signed by the Group.
5. The deadline for material is 31 May 2011 (considering the date of postmark).
6. The material should be sent to: 9th. Edge Theatre Meeting. Mr. Paula Echalecu and Hernan Verteramo. Bernardo de Irigoyen 570. (7200) Las Flores. Buenos Aires Province. Argentina.
7. Selection will be made between those works that have sent the material in a timely manner.
8. The material will not be returned to the groups.
9. The works must be adaptable to any space.
10. The works of Argentine origin must have Argentores registration.
11. The Organization of the meeting will feature:
· sound amplification appropriate to each space and basic lighting plant. Proposals must adapt to these conditions. Any special requirements needed for the staging must be provided by the participating group.
· transfer vouchers by bus or train from Retiro and Constitución (Buenos Aires) to Las Flores (round trip). Mobility and internal movement is exclusively in charge of the groups.
· Accommodation and meals for the members of the Group in the days of the meeting.
• Certificate of participation in the meeting.
· Material distribution chart of the meeting.
Entry free of charge to all activities included in the meeting.
· The cachet will pay for participation in the meeting of $ 400 (in every respect).
12. The organization reserves the reprogramming of functions within the established dates.
13. Meeting organization Shall NOT be responsible for moving scenery.

9th Meeting of
Edge Theatre 2, 3, 4 and 5 November 2011
Las Flores. Buenos Aires. Argentina


Place and date to the Directors of
Edge Theatre Group and Paula
Hernán Verteramo Echalecu
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

hereby, the undersigned, (name of participant or representative of the company or group), representative of (name Group or Company) from (enter place of origin), is committed to participating in the 9th. Edge Theatre Meeting to be held in the city of Las Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 2, 3, 4 and 5 November 2011, claiming to know the regulation of it and accepting all the conditions laid down in .
In this opportunity, if selected, we will present (name / s proposal / s).

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Signature of


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