Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Footballers In Jockstraps

There are moments in these feasts that fill you with joy, and the best are when you spend it at home with family, brothers, sons, brothers, sons and grandchildren and it always happens at Christmas ............ ...

But when you get a letter from a friend 50 years ago that left Madrid not see him again and now thanks to the wonderful Internet, I received the news and said in a statement that sends me ...... .....( scavenging Internet I found this article written in 2001 and heading to Pilar, my wife and mother of my 5 children notice what they say about Juan Escobar, I've already talked about he was a great friend of mine in college and went out a lot together it was great doing magic, and thanks to this article I've found online say to you if you do not have and remember those actions in the INI went with you several times and then take our appetizer and our pickups, I could never imagine your great love handheld games did you get where you got to get .............)
This was one of my great joys of this Christmas and I wanted to hang on my blog may encourage those who are just starting the wizarding world is a wonder, friendship and affection to peers, all with the same ideal MAGIC.
This performance was 10 years ago

Granada was reunited with Juan Escobar
(By Ramon Urial)
Granadino The Magic Circle, opened his 2001 course at the Real Colegio Mayor San Bartolomé and Santiago with the performance of our dear friend Juan Escolano.

I congratulate the people who had the idea to invite this wizard to this act, and he is a wizard in this city tremendously loved by all the Magi Granada and was always very attached to this city of Granada. Juan Escobar

us developed for 45 minutes all its humor and poise on stage, his mood tremendously friendly and that magic itself that only he can develop.

Their number is already known to all Men by their many actions, fit perfectly in that university students, who filled the hall of the Royal College with a capacity for 100 person, being present the Chairman of Granada Circle and several members.

started the show with his classic account always six, set with his talk of their early magic. Without breaking his pleasant chat became a game to guess a letter wizard chosen by a spectator, this game that delighted the audience offset to great applause.

continued with its "GREAT LETTER CHANGING" I as a magician I was admiring the party that brings the Charter and the spectators enjoyed the explanation of the game coming to that final amazing leave the public without explanation of the game and with only loud laughter and applause.

game passed the bottle accompanied by a charming assistant scene taken from the public where John showed all his knowledge in the mood, and I personally enjoyed his assistant over the same wizard.

followed with a set of matches bet card and then came to a strong number, which was when the public saw the game GIVEN TO HAT the story of his grandfather magician.

acquaintances ended with pompoms and his friend went to Japan, but he benefited from the assistance of a Japanese girl on the first row to the delight of the audience.

he dismissed public Juan Escobar with a standing ovation that he knew his sympathy thank, thanking the public and the city of Granada always remember him.

After witnessing a magic section where many magicians around the circle made the public spent an unforgettable night.

The next day Juan Escobar offered the men from the circle a talk on his magic table was the first time I've seen John Escolano sitting at a table doing a very entertaining talk, were incredibly impressed with his routine of exchange, which for years have heard of them but never had the pleasure of seeing. A simple routine but very well developed, and finally explained everything we asked, on his way to guess letters intended for the attendees, a simple but tremendous force of impact between the Magi. Clearly explained everything that was asked about their games.

the end we introduced their products in their study magic and we ended this nice meeting GRANADINO MAGIC CIRCLE.


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