Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pokemon Friendship Bracelet


Last night the family headed by his son Leo Felix, his wife Mamen, and Juanita Romero.
He rode a great tribute to our dear friend Leon Camacho, the party was a surprise to our good friend at times passing moments of real emotion. We
all, a surprising entry, the whole family with him, and after a lot of magicians
the Friends, because Leon has no enemies in the world of magic.
His family gave me the honor to present this honor and truth that I felt when they called me extremely happy and I put in my words all the feelings I have for this monster of MAGIC.
After my words congratulated our WIZARD OF HONOR our VP Miquelon with words of affection for the honoree. We
wine, magic, and sing very good tapas so we end up in the morning, as some had to travel 200 km. to return home.
SGI behaved as they are splendid in their magic along with fellow LA PUERTA GRANDE
able to entertain the audience with his magic.
Thanks to Yoni, Julio, Juan Luis, Manuel, Rafael
Rubiales and you have a good report in the journal of Juan Luis Rubiales. A hug



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