Monday, October 18, 2010

Paint Ball In Bahrain


As promised the track record is with good air, ie we can be putting videos on the site for a while, today we will post a video of Juan Luis in his performance on Friday in our dear coffee shop, this video recording was taken completely colaremos live and several recordings.
is very important that before you connect it to see the audio tracks so you can keep chatting with viewers Juan Luis and you can observe and listen to their way of interpreting the Magic.
The game is good because the presentation is important and I think he gets full attention of the audience I hope you like and gradually going to know the magic of this charming magician Jerez, we'll see the comments that I hope Juan Luis is happy.
As you've all been at home I have a rug that has the sign in front SUNSET GOOGLE
I wrote a very nice letter that we had carefully with the issue of advertising, when we recorded a RUBIALES we did not consideration of this matter and it is impossible to hang up the DVD because it is tremendous advertising we do the same, I hope to record or fix the image if possible fading but this is a subject of our cameraman and editor.
I hope we can fix this week.
A greeting. Juan


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