Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Long Cooked Sausage Sit Out


magic in your life gives you great satisfaction, this is one of them, I will explain.
a couple of years ago came at home for seeing the magic that was in my study and also to know personally, the truth is that it is a person who has personal chemistry and especially love the magic.
Yesterday I ordered this DVD on their progress in magic and I really really liked me, why? Sent first for telling me and giving me full permission to post it on my blog, its like home video footage is fine and the game is a real game cuteness and purse, of course you put it on my blog friend Rafa, but I like you POMPONERO say you're not that pomponero is a name that drew a great friend of our gatherings and I understand that you live 200 km from my home but I made many visits and certainly consider you a pomponero to come home to see "THE POMPON MAGIC "
Thanks Rafa and I give you applause for your progress magical.
The only thing I can answer is to write reviews who visit my page and I'm very proponent of freedom of the press whenever it is done with courtesy and respect.


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