Saturday, April 4, 2009

Welcome Letters To New Hires

AIA 2009: April 4 and LIADA CODE

presented Saturday in Santa Fe with storms from the morning and heavy rain that lasted until morning, then the day was cloudy to mediatarde when winds from the southeast quadrant of the sky began to clear.

at 19 already installed in front of the emplanada of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, with the giant screen, projector, speakers and telescopes, CODE members began what would be the second presentation (Friday was suspended due to bad weather) framed in the cycle Proposed 100 hours of Astronomy in IYA 2009.

again and to our satisfaction, large audience came to the proposal organized by the Center for Space Observers (CODE) under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, Government of the City of Santa Fe, the Government of the Province of Santa Fe , of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral and the Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomía (bundled).

At times after 20:00 in the sky began to appear scattered clouds at times semicubrieron to the moon, fortunately close at 21:00 the sky cleared completely allowing observations.

highlight the entertaining dialogue on issues of world and space with visitors. Today Sunday

give to conclude these public presentations of CODE in front of the iconic former Belgrano Railway Station, a beautiful abandoned building in the 90's and the City Government has already started its recovery and enhancement.

The forecast says that the sky will be cloudy during the day, hopefully better for the end of the afternoon.
moon photos taken from the street in front of the UNL by Sebastian Varisco with Cannon EOS camera and Meade ETX 125 telescope used for observations


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