Friday, April 3, 2009

The Server Responded 554

University AIA 2009: April 2 and CODE LIADA

On April 2 after a sunny day it began, through the late seminublado and around 19:00 and cleared to show a full moon ... members CODE pushed to the front of the Municipal Theatre May Day in San Martín pedestrian way, armed with a Meade and a visual display projected on "The search for infinity." Numerous public

approached the proposal, the more people that was traveling by foot, and unfortunately did not last long because at 20:30 is completely clouded.

Today Friday if the weather will be in front of Government House.

These activities fall within the proposed AIA 2009, organized by the Center for Space Observers (CODE) under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, Government of the City of Santa Fe, the Government of the Province of Santa Fe; National University of Litoral and the League Iberoamericana de Astronomía (bundled). Scenarios

The CODE has from 2 to 5 April audiovisual and observations of the sky with telescopes under the theme "The Universe, Yours to Discover" in various venues in the city of Santa Fe on the following dates: Thursday

2: Teatro Municipal
May First Friday 3: Government House (Plaza May)
Saturday 4: Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Emplanada)
Sunday 5: Ex-General Belgrano FFCC Station

Front Municipal Theatre "May Day" begins the audiovisual Search infinity "

Meade telescope operated by Marcelo Ruiz Arzadúm and the public beginning to come to watch a full moon at first quarter

Observer all ages are amazed with the image of the Moon nitic

Marcelo changing the position of the telescope by the shift of the Moon, opposite the tall buildings were covered.

Adults and children marveled at the moon ... like 400 years ago Galileo Galilei

Marcelo trying to make a shot to the moon with Sebastian chamber Varisco, student from the neighboring province of Entre Rios, an amateur photographer

Sebastian trying to make a good shot of the moon, which it did successfully. In the background San Martín pedestrian
Coghlan and Marcelo Jorge Ruiz representing LIADA CODE and in these days commemorate the AIA 2009

The author of this review, Jorge Coghlan, posing in front of your Meade, a true "workhorse" astronomical ...
Beautiful photo of the Moon obtained by Sebastian Varisco with Cannon EOS camera and 300mm telephoto


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