Sunday, April 5, 2009

Church Anniversary Program Samples

CODE 2009: April 5 General Belgrano FFCC Station

Today was the last day of the activities of the AIA 2009 "100 Hours of Astronomy", developed by members of CODE and the LIADA former head of the General Belgrano Railway Station, an elegant left to die in the 90's and now will be recovered and put in value by the Government of the City of Santa Fe

As this building is only three blocks from the emblematic symbol of city, the Hanging Bridge, located in the headwaters of the Santa Fe Coast, the area is very busy at dusk on Sunday, so today's session was the most massive in terms of public participation.

addition the site was the darkest and best observations possible.

In the four days, we were at three and that on Friday was stormy.

As an epilogue to the proceedings can be said that these presentations in public places, where in addition to the observations with telescopes films were projected and space astronomy, were very rewarding.

Many were the people who came to observe, we have counted in the total of 3 presentations about 1000, or perhaps something more, which makes us proud and repays all the effort and his dedication to satisfy the public.

During the rest of the year we will organize lectures on various cultural sites in the city and probably come back with some other comments in public.

Gallery Belgrano Station

Arzadúm Marcelo Ruiz, a member of CODE is accompanied by Efrain Esquivel of Ministry of Culture, Government of the City, who was responsible for the projections and the sound of the audiovisual.


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