Saturday, November 22, 2008

Uninstallpinnacle Tvcenter Pro


Saturday November 22 we received our colleague and friend Carlos A. Krawczenko of Buenos Aires, who had come specially to visit the Observatory CODE and its members with his son Ivan. Taking this opportunity

gave a talk titled "The importance of double stars, very enjoyable and educational on a subject that is their specialty. Before that

Krawczenko and held a meeting Coghlan work connected with ideas and projects for LIADA in 2009.

As a preview is expected to be issued a Training Workshop on Double Stars distance for beginners which will be part of LIADA proposals for the International Year of Astronomy. Free will and the termination will be given certificates of participation. Finally

agazajó visitors with outdoor dining in the courtyard of the observatory, which borders the lake Setúbal and under a beautiful starry sky, highlighting the presence of variability and Member of CODE LIADA Daniel Mendicini.

Also present were Secretary of CODE, Mary Esther Gabriel The Vocal Marcelo Ruiz Arzadúm, the Manager of the Centre and students Alicia Saavedra CODE CTBA. Jose Ramos, an alumnus of the CTBA and forista CODE LIADA handled the filming and recording all the talk of Mr. Krawczenko.

Carlos Krawczenko received from Mr Angel Meynet and Jorge Coghlan, President and Vice President of CODE, respectively, a mention for his dissertation on the Stars Double counting under the auspices of the Iliad and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral.

speaker presentation by Jorge Coghlan

Carlos A. Kracwzenko during his talk

Angel Meynet, Carlos Jorge Coghlan Krawczenko and during delivery of the diploma that counts under the auspices of the Iliad and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral.

CODE Carlos Kracwzenko donated to a copy of the English magazine "Astronomy" where there was an article written by him on double stars. Don Angel receives Meynet.

pose in the Auditorium with CODE Members the speaker and his son Ivan.


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