Saturday, November 1, 2008

Eml E100 Outdoor Motion Sensor Light

Krawczenko the Visit of President of the CODE

Prof. Dr. Raul Podesta (center) during his recent visit to CODE was photographed in front of his spectacular rocket Sirius R-III "with Marcelo Ruiz Arzadum and Jorge Coghlan, Members of CODE.

Saturday October 18, 2008 received in the Headquarters of the LIADA the unexpected visit of its President, Prof. Dr. Raul Podesta, who made a stop on his way back from the city of Casilda where he gave a series of lectures and courses organized by the COCAdE (Casildense Space Commission).

On occasion, a meeting attendance of two Members of the new Board of LIADA, which discussed various issues related to the present and future of the institution, especially everything related to the Convention next year and the celebrations of International Year of Astronomy.

analyzed the situation of each of the sections of the LIADA, especially those long are inactive or did not meet the expectations generated at the time.

Prof. Dr. Podesta signed Mentions were mailed to the personalities in the recent Assembly were appointed as Honorary Members of the LIADA in the case of Mr. Angel Meynet Mention was given her personally.

was a pleasant and very productive meeting with many ideas and projects that will strengthen the institution astronomical LIADA as unique in its kind in Latin America.

The "Sirius R-III", rocket designed and built by Prof. Dr. Podesta here is painted with new colors: blue and black next to some pictures of their "missions" and rests on an impressive display with models of the space shuttle, Mir and the ISS in the "Expoespacio" CODE.

view the showcase of models on which to display the rocket "R-III Sirio"


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