Saturday, November 29, 2008

Driver Philips Mt1700-it

Back on the Ranch "ranges" CTBA

19 and November 20, 2008, invited by the Ministry of Education of the Province of Santa Fe and Sub under the "Nature, directions, looks and languages \u200b\u200bthat are" once again visited the Estancia "ranges" which hosted the Second Meeting with teachers and Directors of Physical Education throughout the province of Santa Fe

give a talk entitled: "The child in front of the cosmos" and then, already night, we made observations group of the sky so dramatic and now no moon.

As we did in October telescopes, binoculars and camera to take pictures of the sky.
CODE Marcelo Ruiz Arzadúm showing Venus and Jupiter group

Turning off all lights on the patio and driveway, the sky looked like a true planetary ... at first glance the two clouds Magellan, Venus and Jupiter in all its glory, with the instruments open and globular clusters with absolute definition, the Milky Way showing the white path by dividing the sky and a lot of meteors and meteorites, we have to dawn about 30 of the first and 3 seconds rather bright.

photo south celestial pole fixed chamber

Early on, few minutes before the 07:0 increased to 13 degrees from west to east the International Space Station with the shuttle Endeavour docked with it and shining both as Jupiter. And how could it be otherwise, since the dawn we had to quarter moon that we could show the group with the telescope with all its details in the day, before and after breakfast.

This new look was like a balm, a show for those enviable can enjoy it every night ... far from what happens to us in large cities where the sky is becoming clearer and poor due to the artificial lighting.

walked me back into the adventure Arzadúm Marcelo Ruiz, Member of CODE and our presentation was the auspices of the Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomía (bundled) and the Center for Space Observers (CODE)

Professors Jorge CODE Coghlan and Charles Bell of the Ministry of Education. Prof. Bell had the idea of \u200b\u200binvolving the Coghlan Professor in this sub-project entitled "Nature, directions, looks and languages \u200b\u200bthat are"

Marcelo Ruiz Arzadúm against Victorian style villa stay

A towering pine

The Sun through the leaves


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