Saturday, November 29, 2008

Driver Philips Mt1700-it

Back on the Ranch "ranges" CTBA

19 and November 20, 2008, invited by the Ministry of Education of the Province of Santa Fe and Sub under the "Nature, directions, looks and languages \u200b\u200bthat are" once again visited the Estancia "ranges" which hosted the Second Meeting with teachers and Directors of Physical Education throughout the province of Santa Fe

give a talk entitled: "The child in front of the cosmos" and then, already night, we made observations group of the sky so dramatic and now no moon.

As we did in October telescopes, binoculars and camera to take pictures of the sky.
CODE Marcelo Ruiz Arzadúm showing Venus and Jupiter group

Turning off all lights on the patio and driveway, the sky looked like a true planetary ... at first glance the two clouds Magellan, Venus and Jupiter in all its glory, with the instruments open and globular clusters with absolute definition, the Milky Way showing the white path by dividing the sky and a lot of meteors and meteorites, we have to dawn about 30 of the first and 3 seconds rather bright.

photo south celestial pole fixed chamber

Early on, few minutes before the 07:0 increased to 13 degrees from west to east the International Space Station with the shuttle Endeavour docked with it and shining both as Jupiter. And how could it be otherwise, since the dawn we had to quarter moon that we could show the group with the telescope with all its details in the day, before and after breakfast.

This new look was like a balm, a show for those enviable can enjoy it every night ... far from what happens to us in large cities where the sky is becoming clearer and poor due to the artificial lighting.

walked me back into the adventure Arzadúm Marcelo Ruiz, Member of CODE and our presentation was the auspices of the Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomía (bundled) and the Center for Space Observers (CODE)

Professors Jorge CODE Coghlan and Charles Bell of the Ministry of Education. Prof. Bell had the idea of \u200b\u200binvolving the Coghlan Professor in this sub-project entitled "Nature, directions, looks and languages \u200b\u200bthat are"

Marcelo Ruiz Arzadúm against Victorian style villa stay

A towering pine

The Sun through the leaves

Friday, November 28, 2008

Gallbladder Polyps Removal

2008 Graduates


On Wednesday November 26, 2008 in the Auditorium of the Astronomical Observatory CODE took delivery of the diplomas to the graduates of Basic Astronomy Course Workshop 2008 issued by the CODE, under the leadership of Mr. Angel Meynet, under the sponsorship of the Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomía (bundled) and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL). For

Directive were present the President Angel Meynet, Vice President Jorge Coghlan, Secretary Mary Esther Gabriel, Treasurer Osvaldo Augusto Saavedra Alicia Elder and Eva, Head of the Centre. At the opening

speaking Vice President Jorge Coghlan who referred to the level attained by the student group this year; CODE plans for the celebrations of International Year of Astronomy 2009 and a number of suggestions for those new students graduates and as active members of the institution in future aspire to positions in CODE various committees.

group photo after the delivery of Diplomas

The list of students who received their diplomas after cheers and closed from the President, Vice President and Secretary, is as follows: Gladys Novoa, Rita Elena Abalo, Prof. Carlos Campana, Lucia Virgilio, Carla Pieragostini; Mariel Buyatti Desireé; Hugo Edmundo Stratta, Sophia Irene Mena; Mariangeles rave Bayma Baltarsar Vilarrubí, José María Paletto, Luke Gagneten; Faustino Gagnete, Liliana Maria Rosso, Lucia Adela Colla ; Patricia Naomi Afterward, Mauro Germain Second Rodolfo González Martínez.

In an environment of intense camaraderie was celebrated with a dinner under the stars ", with a few beers, soft drinks and many in the courtyard of the Observatory overlooking the lake Setúbal and then, back in the auditorium, are delighted with the songs of his guitars, young students and Mariel Gagneten Buyatti Lucas.

As a finishing touch and fired Don Angel Meynet played tangos, milongas and waltzes with her piano accordion.

Treasurer Angel Osvaldo willows by Meynet and Jorge Coghlan

José Mary Paletto; Angel Meynet, Jorge Coghlan and Baltarsar Bayma Vilarrubí

Meynet Angel playing the accordion

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Uninstallpinnacle Tvcenter Pro


Saturday November 22 we received our colleague and friend Carlos A. Krawczenko of Buenos Aires, who had come specially to visit the Observatory CODE and its members with his son Ivan. Taking this opportunity

gave a talk titled "The importance of double stars, very enjoyable and educational on a subject that is their specialty. Before that

Krawczenko and held a meeting Coghlan work connected with ideas and projects for LIADA in 2009.

As a preview is expected to be issued a Training Workshop on Double Stars distance for beginners which will be part of LIADA proposals for the International Year of Astronomy. Free will and the termination will be given certificates of participation. Finally

agazajó visitors with outdoor dining in the courtyard of the observatory, which borders the lake Setúbal and under a beautiful starry sky, highlighting the presence of variability and Member of CODE LIADA Daniel Mendicini.

Also present were Secretary of CODE, Mary Esther Gabriel The Vocal Marcelo Ruiz Arzadúm, the Manager of the Centre and students Alicia Saavedra CODE CTBA. Jose Ramos, an alumnus of the CTBA and forista CODE LIADA handled the filming and recording all the talk of Mr. Krawczenko.

Carlos Krawczenko received from Mr Angel Meynet and Jorge Coghlan, President and Vice President of CODE, respectively, a mention for his dissertation on the Stars Double counting under the auspices of the Iliad and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral.

speaker presentation by Jorge Coghlan

Carlos A. Kracwzenko during his talk

Angel Meynet, Carlos Jorge Coghlan Krawczenko and during delivery of the diploma that counts under the auspices of the Iliad and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral.

CODE Carlos Kracwzenko donated to a copy of the English magazine "Astronomy" where there was an article written by him on double stars. Don Angel receives Meynet.

pose in the Auditorium with CODE Members the speaker and his son Ivan.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Eml E100 Outdoor Motion Sensor Light

Krawczenko the Visit of President of the CODE

Prof. Dr. Raul Podesta (center) during his recent visit to CODE was photographed in front of his spectacular rocket Sirius R-III "with Marcelo Ruiz Arzadum and Jorge Coghlan, Members of CODE.

Saturday October 18, 2008 received in the Headquarters of the LIADA the unexpected visit of its President, Prof. Dr. Raul Podesta, who made a stop on his way back from the city of Casilda where he gave a series of lectures and courses organized by the COCAdE (Casildense Space Commission).

On occasion, a meeting attendance of two Members of the new Board of LIADA, which discussed various issues related to the present and future of the institution, especially everything related to the Convention next year and the celebrations of International Year of Astronomy.

analyzed the situation of each of the sections of the LIADA, especially those long are inactive or did not meet the expectations generated at the time.

Prof. Dr. Podesta signed Mentions were mailed to the personalities in the recent Assembly were appointed as Honorary Members of the LIADA in the case of Mr. Angel Meynet Mention was given her personally.

was a pleasant and very productive meeting with many ideas and projects that will strengthen the institution astronomical LIADA as unique in its kind in Latin America.

The "Sirius R-III", rocket designed and built by Prof. Dr. Podesta here is painted with new colors: blue and black next to some pictures of their "missions" and rests on an impressive display with models of the space shuttle, Mir and the ISS in the "Expoespacio" CODE.

view the showcase of models on which to display the rocket "R-III Sirio"