Friday, January 9, 2009

Michelle Heather Brooke's Friend

"La Luna de Galileo Galilei" ... the pedestrian ...

On Thursday January 8, the organization of the Government of the City of Santa Fe, the Latin American Astronomical League (bundled) and the International Space Observers (CODE) in the framework of the celebrations for the International Year Astronomy 2009 was successful in the main street of Santa Fe, San Martin and the pedestrian in front of the Ministry of Culture, Government of the City, the first free public comments of 2009 "Moon Galileo Galilei" It was

a day that was presented under overcast and rainy in the afternoon, the evening was cleared to the northeast and passersby could enjoy observing with a telescope a nearly full moon that caused a sensation in many who had never before seen with an instrument.

Much as the observations began at 21.00, an hour after the closure of shops, many people, particularly children and youth- approached the instrument whose very presence in the middle of the pedestrian attracted curiosity. Others came aware of the event broadcast journalism.

Accompanied by Marcelo Ruiz CODE Vocal Arzadúm to those present explained the reasons for our presence in the heart of the city with a telescope, the significance that these celebrations 400 years after the first telescopic observations made by the famous Italian astronomer and also answered the usual thousand and one questions that are often made on issues related to the cosmos and space.

Pictures of the event, Prof. Daniel Otero attention of the Secretariat Culture of the City are published in:

Continuing with these activities, the Sunday 11 at the same time in the CODE Astronomical Observatory located on the West Coast , will continue to display the Moon "Galileo Galilei" Venus and other luminaries also be projected on a giant screen documentary astronomical and can walk through the Expoespacio.

Arzadúm Marcelo Ruiz, Jorge Coghlan and Marcus Reid (Partner CODE) pose next to the pedestrian reflector Meade willing to show the moon to passersby. Below
a series of images the public admiring the moon ... as did Galileo Galilei 400 years ago ...


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