Saturday, January 3, 2009

Indian Hand Embroidery Designs


With the last day of the year it was cloudy and rainy tenuous, and in hours of twilight began to blow fresh wind the south and completely cleared midnight to get at the Astronomical Observatory of CODE, the headquarters of the Latin American Astronomical League (bundled), the AIA 2009, International Year of Astronomy led by the United Nations Organization (UNO) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU). When

01.00 First day in the resounding sound of fireworks announcing the New Year, began to get the public CODE Observatory located on the waterfront west of the city of Santa Fe, on a giant screen located in the courtyard income began to project films and space astronomy, was walked the Expoespacio and roof were the first observations of the sky in 2009 with telescopes ... tribute to what he did 400 years before the famous Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei.

While it was a pretty cool night, large crowd gathered at the Centre was again Saturn, the star that caused more admiration.

The success of the debut of the AIA 2009 was due to a wide coverage made from the Code, one of whose publications of the newspaper El Litoral can be viewed at: / id_um/36677

enclose a series of photos showing the preparations, the projections and of the public.

can say with great satisfaction that the CODE, the Iliad and the Government of the City of Santa Fe began the AIA 2009 showing the sky ...

Preparations for the installation of the giant screen, projector and speakers in the courtyard of the Centre Netra.

The display is already installed, all ready to begin the projections, to fund the Expoespacio to full illumination.

Front and entrance to the Observatory, in the middle of the yard the big screen.

LA01 are: 00 and the audience begins to enter the Observatory ... under the noise of fireworks.

the planetary orbits projection.

Nicolaus Copernicus in the projection ... smiling ...

Earth Tides in the projection ...

The public Observatory on the terrace waiting their turn to see with telescopes

With the refractor Cooke & Sons, 1912, shows Saturn and its rings somewhat closed.


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