Saturday, October 11, 2008

Static Electricity Blanket

A spectacular sky on the Farm "ranges"

7 and 8 October 2008, my astronomy teacher character , I was summoned by the Ministry of Education of the Province of Santa Fe Subproject under the "Nature, senses, looks and languages \u200b\u200bthat are "to participate in the Stay" ranges "where they held a meeting with physical education teachers throughout the province of Santa Fe
At night we made with all the concurrent observations of the sky absolutely transparent with two telescopes and binoculars, also made some pictures with fixed camera reproduced below.

He was the crescent, Venus, Jupiter, globular and open clusters and numerous landscapes of the Milky Way. also taught the major figures of the southern sky constellations and the names of the brightest stars.
On occasion we were accompanied by Prof. Dr. Hugo D. Navone Municipal Astronomical Observatory of Rosario, School of Sciences, Engineering and Surveying (UNR) and the Physics Institute of Rosario (CONICET-UNR), who also gave a talk on "Astrophysics in the area of \u200b\u200bteaching and learning Educational camp "
He was part of Arzadum Marcelo Ruiz, a member of CODE and these activities were sponsored by the Latin American Astronomical League (bundled).

Prof. Jorge Coghlan, Prof. Dr. Hugo D. Navone and Marcelo Ruiz Arzadum


thank Prof. Charles Bell of Santa Fe who was a broker with the Ministry of Education to serve on as a senior lecturer in the activities of the First Meeting of this exciting educational project pedagogical.

Prof. Bell was in previous years coworker Almirante Brown School No. 331 and is currently a student of Basic Astronomy Course Workshop given by Mr. Angel Meynet in


Jorge Coghlan (CODE- LIADA)


The Ranges is an old residence of the Forest Victorian style, which is located at Kilometer 17, National Route No. 98, about 20kilómetros west of the city of Vera, surrounded by natural lakes yespecies native, which gives a framework of singular beauty and picturesque charm of individuals features that attract hikers and bird watchers.
Estancia "ranges"

The main villa Experimental Center Dr. Tito Livio Coppa, "estancial Ranges, was built in 1910 and is located in a park of 5 hectares, but the total development area is 2,087 ha. There are different programs to test and spread in livestock, agriculture and afforestation. It works in the collection of breeding males in herds of Brangus and Braford. In the area devoted to agriculture grows cotton, soybeans, sorghum and guinea corn.

Arzadum Marcelo Ruiz poses in front of the villa of the holiday "ranges"

chalet Front


Victorian villa

And now some pictures of the sky taken with camera Olympus OM10, normal lens, tripod and Kodak color film ISO 400.

Venus in the evening twilight in the midst of a very bright

Among the foliage and "touching" the roof of the villa, the whole kingdom of Orion fullness


The Scorpion with its distinctive red star Antares

Left Fly; center below the Southern Cross above Alpha and Beta Centauri


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