Friday, October 17, 2008

Rsbot For Ubuntu Linux

Declarations received by CODE in 2006

Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Santa Fe - Argentina
Resolution No. 417 of 18 August 2006
"Declaration of Interest Educational Scientific and activities developed by the Center for Space Observer"

Argentino title delInstituto Honor of Excellence awarded by the
" First National Award for Institutional Excellence 2006
CODE "for its scientific and educational contribution" Santa Fe, November 7, 2006

Chamber of Deputies of the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina Opinion of the Committee on Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Expte. No. 17855-DB, said:

"of interest to the activities of the Astronomical Observatory CODE - Observers Center Space Caucus Room, October 05 , 2006

Ministry of Education Santa Fe Province
Order No. 494 - Santa Fe, November 14, 2006
The Secretary of Culture has "Declaring a Cultural Center Space Observer"
Municipality of the City of Santa Fe la Vera Cruz. Decree DMM-Office of Government and Culture - No. 00 484 August 4, 2006
"Declaring Scientific Interest and Educational Center Space Observer-CODE"

Senate of the Province Santa Fe, ArgentinaDeclara "of interest the commemoration of the 44 th Anniversary of the Space Observer Center (CODE) "Declaration No. 0157 - Session Room 10 August 2006

Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation Government of the Province of Santa Fe" Declares Scientific interest in the activities of the Observers Space Center (CODE) "Resolution No. 010 of August 16, 2006


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