Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Letter Of Offer Commercial


are 55 years of my life dealing with the Magic and 50 selling for these roads of Andalusia Building materials, road taught me how to sell and forget about my career and my studies, I did marketing, I taught my friend Armando information technology with the ACES OPEN, if I remember correctly and in the years around 1970 my good friend Johnny showed me his shop Anton Magic next to the Palace of Congress, and I learned to sell magic doing magic, I had boxes and boxes of games that I bought them and sent them into the trunk of memories in my mind felt pleasure and making a game was a magician easy to sell and little by little I got into this topic.
I was unable to develop a game, never invented anything and yes I worked the presentations and gradually looking wizards were books and some games, I searched my own creations in the hands of it, but I found that in turn they sold their magic
conferences, it is normal and I do sell their products to my clients but could not afford to purchase price but never took off your site and your property, and talking to some countries even have their products without paying the price war and manufacture their ideas may well made and amended, but always with your permission and a mark-up that never sold more expensive than.
games I sold them without breaking the market, buy old games, books I looked exhausted, I've sold to stores respecting their margin, but what ever did was hack but if I helped some piratilla manufactured by buying games for improve manufacturing.
Today I laughed to Journal of Rubiales and comments DAROCA in handheld games sold the mystery, and if you show it before I do, they buy insurance, and if the price is identical to the whole market, I sell to know to know to sell or buy.
I'm not advertising I want to know before selling magicians as I'm going to sell a set of 4 cards and do not know Emley account because I sell a book to learn, or teach it to do not to save the game in the trunk of memories.
When I went several times Champion of Spain of Tyre to the plate in first class I learned to do magic with shot cartridges, and cartridges sold them that I pulled because it was representative of a brand. Thanks
partners for those comments about me and I laughed really a good time.


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