Saturday, May 9, 2009

Egzorcysci W Warszawie

Panoramas of the AIA

panoramic CODE Expoespacio panels exhibiting more than 1000 photos of astronomical and space topics; meteorite samples and scale models of rockets, spacecraft and aircraft.
Photo by: Marcelo Ruiz Arzadum, Vocal CODE
Expoespacio creator Author: Jorge Coghlan, Vice President of CODE

central courtyard entrance to the Centre and Expoespacio

panels showing galaxies, the Milky Way, stars, sun, all 8 planets, plutonium, asteroids and comets.

The same area photographed from the other end.

Following this sector are seen showcases with the models

Two panels devoted to astrophotography taken by Angel Meynet and Jorge Coghlan of eclipses and comet Halley

dedicated to the planet Panel Mars photos obtained by the Viking landers, Sojourner, Opportunity, Spirit and Phoenix.

Panel discussions on the Russian automatic lunar missions and Apollo 6

Panel discussions on satellite photos of world regions of Argentina and the City Santa Fe, also on the International Space Station (ISS) in its current configuration.