Saturday, August 30, 2008

Games Like Rugrats Wildlife Rescue

renewed program of activities Visitors


No. 4998 Avenida Almirante Brown - Santa Fe - Telephone (0342 ) 155-001236
For all age groups on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at nightfall
Delegations and / or quotas should make an appointment and receives
days and times to be arranged in advance

Tours Permanent Exhibition Hall with over 1000
Images of the Cosmos and space missions
sample scale models of aircraft, rockets and spacecraft
meteorite samples

Auditorium Seating for 100 guests seated Audiovisual
"A Walk in the sky"
Video NASA's "The Search for Infinity"
From the dome with the telescope refractor Cooke & Sons, 1912
or from the terrace with electronic portable telescopes, observations are made
the moon, the planets, the stars;
star clusters and other objects Milky Way
CODE Astronomical Observatory welcomes groups of school students;
teachers, tourists, etc. guided tours that include
covered by the "Expoespacio" audiovisual
Auditorium and at night sky viewing with telescopes

Groups of visitors are received at any time the
tomorrow afternoon or evening and the duration of the visit is about 2 hours
should make an appointment in advance
General Public; Delegations and / or quotas
$ 2 .- per participant regardless of age

Teachers Group leaders: free

CONTACT Prof. Jorge Coghlan, Deputy
Mobile: (0342) 155-001236

How To Make A Pichachu Costume

What is CODE?

On 22 August 1962 was based in the city of Santa Fe CODE Observer Space Center.

Like almost all such institutions, the CODE was born inspired by a group of amateur astronomers. You could say that the CODE begins to take shape after the launch of Sputnik 1 in October 1957. Because of the impact caused the first artificial satellites in public opinion, then scattered amateur astronomy Santa Fe became known and, years later, they decided the formation of an astronomy club that group and organize into amateur astronomy work . This brings us to the night of August 22, 1962, with announcements in local media, inviting the public to participate in the founding of CODE. Over 100 people gathered at the home of Angel Meynet, current Chairman of CODE, and there was the first meeting to form the Steering Committee founder of the fledgling institution. It should be noted that the name and acronym CODE identifying our institution, was the brainchild of Mr. Olimpio Chiarelli, inspiring and first President, and died several years ago.

The CODE obtained in 1965 its legal status. Its Board consists of 7 members, running well, different committees and subcomisiones.Desde was initially proposed to insert the CODE in the community as an open and dedicated to learning, teaching and popularization of astronomy and related scientific studies, meta largely achieved. Little did the founders think that the brand achieved CODE years of vigencia.Como summary we can say that to date the CODE has developed more than 2000 presentations, two delegations attended two launches at Cape Kennedy (Gemini 6 in 1965 and Apollo 11 in 1969) and attended a congress of Astronomy in the Canary Islands (1992 .) These trips abroad were led by Angel Meynet. In the years 1991 and 1999 organizing CODE hosted two International Conventions LIADA Astronomy, Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomía.
in 1973 with the addition of Jorge Coghlan, CODE will start a new phase where emphasis will be on the massive public information, treated with seriousness and scientific rigor through disclosure all means of communications and space astronomical phenomena of interest, the organization of astronomy courses, exhibitions and lectures by professional astronomers recognized, field trips, and provision of better facilities, new hiring will be progressively enabled local exhibitions of photographic, models of spacecraft and taught at lectures and courses.

This will lead to 1993 where the City of Santa Fe gave in a building full Comodato Coast for the operation of the Astronomical Observatory, which has a large showroom called "Dr. Rudi Gullino Expoespacio" where are displayed more than 1000 images of astronomy and space, and scale models of spacecraft. In the Expoespacio also operates the Library "Professor Adriana Elizalde" with thousands of books, magazines, letters celestial star maps, catalogs, etc.. The building has an auditorium named "Don Olimpio Chiarelli" for 150 people sitting where we hold astronomy classes and give presentations to delegations with the projection of videos or videos. In his spacious terrace operates two leading observatory domes, first the name of a great friend and teacher, "Professor Victorio Capolongo" Rosario. Precisely The Observatory's main telescope is the former Cooke refractor system 1912 with a string and weight watch that belonged to Professor Capolongo and, at some point, was the first instrument was the Centre Municipal de Rosario

The second dome and better known as the top new works since 2000. It houses a modern brand electronic telescope Meade 8 inch LX 200 equipped with CCD camera. This dome was given the name "Ingeniero Jorge Obeid" in recognition of the political officer to be Mayor of the City of Santa Fe in 1993 CODE gave the building to the Centre and in 1999 and as governor of the province gave the CODE a grant for the acquisition of modern telescope and the construction of the new dome with electronic movements.

notable is the presence of CODE in middle schools Almirante Guillermo Brown and Normal Superior General San Martin where we hold workshops extracurricular Astronomy by Jorge Coghlan.Desde on 1 May 2000 CODE is the Headquarters and Secretariat LIADA, Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomía, designation due to Jorge Coghlan took that day as Secretary of the LIADA ( )

Today CODE is in full swing as an institution, a fresh start with an eye toward a future challenge: to modernize their audiovisual equipment and achieve the incorporation of a Planetary Observatory fixed rate produced by the Japanese company Goto.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pokemon Sapphire Online

program and schedule of visits to the Observatory


No. 4998 Avenida Almirante Brown - Santa Fe - Telephone (0342) 155-001236
For all age groups Saturday and Sunday at dusk
Delegations and / or quotas should make an appointment and receives
days and times to be arranged in advance
Guided tours of the Permanent Exhibition Hall
over 1000 images of the cosmos and space missions
Sample scale models of airplanes, rockets and spacecraft
meteorite samples
With capacity for 100 people seated Audiovisual
"A Walk in the sky" NASA's Video
"The pursuit of infinite
sky with a telescope From
refractor telescope dome Cooke & Sons, 1912
or from the terrace with portable telescopes electronic
are made observations of the moon, the planets, the stars;
star clusters and other objects in the Milky Way

CODE Astronomical Observatory welcomes groups of school students;
teachers, tourists, etc. guided tours that include
covered by the "Expoespacio" audiovisual
Auditorium and at night sky viewing with telescopes

groups receive visitors at any hour of the
morning, afternoon or evening and the duration of the visit is about 2 hours
should make an appointment in advance
General Public; Delegations and / or quotas
$ 2 .- per participant regardless of age

Teachers Group leaders: no charge CONTACT

Prof. Jorge Coghlan, Deputy
Mobile: (0342) 155-001236